So I promised a part 2, but I just didn’t have any spare time or energy to squeeze it in last week! Exams have started for both my two older girls so I have to be a part-time tutor as well.
Finally had time to sit down today, I went browsing again and found a couple of new books due for release in May so I edited my title to include May as well. There are many books that will be released soon again because the new listings on amazon have been updated although most of the covers / sneak previews have not been added so I will have to do another post at the end of the month/early next month.
A new book by one of my favorite Japanese sewing books authors! This time it’s more for the ladies – size S to LL, with 3 matching designs for kids.
Title : FU-KO basics. 着心地のよい、暮らしの服
Title (translated) : FU-K0 Basics. Comfortable, Living Clothing
Author :美濃羽まゆみ Mayumi Minoba
ISBN :978-4529058025
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will be released on 10th May
Michiyo Ito of the May Me series is back with a new book for the ladies. The description only says 14 projects but there is no mention of sizes. Go check out the link (below) on amazon, there are some sneak pics included!
Title : May Meの作って毎日着たい服 (私のカントリー別冊)
Title (translated) : May Me’s Clothes I want to wear everyday
Author :伊藤 みちよ Michiyo Ito
ISBN :978-4391641158
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will be released on 18th May 2018
Title : 帆布のバッグ ベーシックスタイル20
Title (translated) : Canvas Bags 20 Basic Styles
Publisher : Nihon Vogue
ISBN :978-4529057929
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Title : 定番も流行も 手作りしたいスカート
Title (translated) : Handmade Classic and Fashionable Skirts
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834745948
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Title : 大人のかんたんソーイング2018夏
Title (translated) : Easy Sewing for Ladies 2018 Summer
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834746051
Title : 今いちばん作って着たいトップス
Title (translated) : Best Tops I want to wear now
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834745825
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Title : ミセスのスタイルブック 2018年 初夏号
Title (translated) : Mrs Style Book 2018 Early summer edition
Publisher : Bunka
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